Friday, November 20, 2009

Still Unpacked and Ready to Unload

The movers will be here in exactly 4 days. I have packed a grand total of 4 boxes.

*Sigh* Hard as I try, I just can't seem to get things going when it's time to actually put things in boxes. There's something especially exhausting about the process. I usually end up letting my husband do the bulk of the packing. He's great at it! DH just seems to make magic happen. Methodically, he goes room by room and in no time everything is boxed up and ready to go.

Unpacking is a whole different story. My husband will pull out the bear necessities, like clothes,T.V.'s and dishes and leave the rest. This is where I come in. Stereotypical as it may sound, making the house a home is my specialty. I unpack all the boxes. I organize the house according to traffic flow, rush hour and convenience. I make it my mission to create the feeling as if we have always lived there. The new home becomes a sanctuary that counteracts the feeling of being in unfamiliar surroundings. If this were left up to DH, we'd be living out of boxes for at least a year.

Nonetheless, this can work to my advantage. I can create my own space, after setting up everyone else's of course. The new place is a little smaller so I'm not sure where my space will be yet. But once I get settled, that's it. That space will be mine and mine alone. It will be a place where I can go and write in peace.  No kids or adults other than me allowed. I've already gone way too long without a sanctuary of my own. Not only does my creativity and productivity suffer, but I end up feeling like a second class citizen. I get myself situated in one room and soon after, someone comes in and makes themselves at home. They commence setting up shop with absolutely no consideration for whatever I happen to be doing (or not doing) at the time. That will change...


  1. Well I think you may be stalling because you don't want to leave. Mike as most men are just see it as the job has to be done regardless of any emotional attachments so no need to keep prolonging it. Unpacking is easier for you because again you want to put emotion & thaught into it in that case you have all the time you want to take.You'll be fine.AML

  2. I think it's a great idea to set up a sanctuary for yourself. Time alone is precious. Good luck with the move.
