Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Planting the seeds

One of my favorite bloggers wrote an interesting post the other day. She wants to have the summer off next year. So she's going to spend the next several months writing articles and increasing her residual income. Well that got me thinking. Why can't I do that? Granted this lady already earns a nice amount...enough to pay some bills. Still, since I make exactly $o.oo in residual income, there is no place to go but up. It will be very nice to be able pay a bill. My husband certainly would appreciate this. Of course, there is a chance that I'll only make a few bucks here and there. Still...if I do this, there's a chance that I might become a better writer in the process. Learning the finer points of grammar, finding my voice, gaining confidence...priceless.

A famous artist may never perform one of my songs. My children's books could stay forever incomplete. However, in this day and age, there is no reason for me to be a "starving artist".


  1. So true! A few bucks from something you love to do would feel like a million!
    I sometimes feel like I don't contribute as much because I don't earn money...I would love to do the same. We'll see!

  2. I agree with you 500%! Go for it you have nothing to loose and everything to gain! I am right behind you and will share any info I gather!
