Wednesday, November 3, 2010

All I Needed Was to Develop Some Character

Lately, I've been back in my writing mode. I  have tons of ideas. However, I always get stuck. My stories fall flat and have no where to go. My characters end up having not have any real character. Boring! Today, I came across an article on Writer's Digest that addressed one of the main problems I've been having: What would my character do next? The article is called 5 Tips for Creating Characters for Kids. The author, Ann Whitford Paul, talks about developing your character first. Once you know everything thing there is to know about their personality, appearance, family, hobbies, and favorite color, food, etc., then you'll know where the story will go. It all depends on the choices that your character is likely to make.

I'm immensely glad I found this particular article. This isn't the first time I've come across this piece of advice. But I guess this has been the most helpful, the most detailed.My characters and stories are much more rich. I can see them, touch them. I let you guys know what I'm working on soon.

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